This morning, at 7, P. climbed Semnoz on her bike, with her friend St. A lot of bikes all the way up there. It was the first time for her. She was very happy. So was St.

This morning, at 7, P. climbed Semnoz on her bike, with her friend St. A lot of bikes all the way up there. It was the first time for her. She was very happy. So was St.
Exercising when it’s very hot isn’t a pleasure. Therefore I go jogging early in the morning, at dawn. I can cope with the heat but I hate horseflies !
P. does a lot of cycling at the moment with her friend St. This morning they went to Col de Tamie.
My son, C., and my grand-sons E, and K. are in Brittany, where temperature is more pleasant. C. has run the equivalent of three half-marathons in three days. On flat routes.
In the magazine ELLE, brought by our postwoman this morning, I’ve come across an article that has startled me. This is the first time I’ve read the imperative « runnez » – from the French verb « runner », I suppose…
Trad. Ready, ladies ! Run ! Running courses in the shade, running for groups, shops to find running gear, our best sports to run at the front.
Yesterday evening, P, Frimousse’s Mistress, went running in the mountain with F her physio. This morning her ankles don’t seem to have suffered. Good news, isn’t it?
The day before yesterday, E, my grandson had a great bike ride with two friends of his. For those who know Les Bauges, they first climb Revard, cycled down to Lescheraines, then Aillon le Jeune, Les Prés pass, descent to Saint-Jean d’Arvey, then La Thuile, Marocaz pass, descent to Cruet, Saint-Pierre d’Albigny, then climled Frêne pass, le Chatelard, Bellecombe-en-Bauges, Leschaux pass, Semnoz and back down. 180 km (112M) and just over 4000 (13000ft) D+. All Bauges passes except Tamié pass – and the unpaved passes, which are for another time.
He’s an IRONMAN ! My neighbour aka late Plume’s Master finished the Nice IRONMAN on Sunday. The cycling and the marathon were reduced to respectively 150K and 30K by order of the Authorities because of the heat. But he is very pleased to be a « finisher ».
That is an incitement for P aka Frimousse’s Mistress to train to enter a triathlon next year. Not the IRONMAN, of course, but a short one to begin with. She is cycling with her friend Steph at the moment.
There was a very violent storm on Monday evening. As I « ran » my usual route yesrterday and this morning, I saw plenty of trees uprooted – apple-trees, pear-trees, beeches, fir-trees… Never seen that before. Power was cut on Monday night and it only returned yesterday late in the afternoon. We were very worried about deep-freezers. Who says there’s global warming ?