Springtime teleworking

The Mistress of Frimousse does telework. Yesterday it took quite a bit of tinkering with the computer to make it possible. We were still able to take a walk on the paths and roads above the house – three metres apart so we wouldn’t be thought to be together… Idem this morning. Never seen so many people on these paths, in the middle of the morning! And at the same time what silence! Almost no planes, you could hear the insects that were foraging the buds, opening up, at the top of the trees. We are so lucky to live here! I can’t help thinking of the tens of millions of people locked in their apartments in France, Italy, Spain, Belgium…

Of course no way to go walking by the Lake so here it is climbing, and descending. My knees appreciate!

2 thoughts on “Springtime teleworking

    1. Joke Post author

      First the Italian government told every citizen to stay home, except in a certain number of instances. The French governement took similar decisions but by stages. We live in the countryside therefore no real problem for us. We are allowad to go to shop for food or to go to medical appointments, and also to go for “short” jog or walk or cycling rides but staying on the territory of our town or village (municipality). The real problem FOR TENS OF MILLIONS of people is to stay home when you live on the 11th floor of a block of flats with four children kept inside ! The disease it self is not evenly distributed. In the North-East of France they now have to choose who can be put into intensive care because of lack of beds and trained personnel!

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