Last week, cycling in Briançonnais. The Mistress of Frimousse, Kerrian, joined by Steph and her parents. Galibier, Isoard, col de l’Échelle, Granon. Galibier and Isoard are no longer presented. The Granon is less known but more formidable than the two pre-mentioned. As for the Col de l’Échelle… TV reports, in winter, «migrants» trying to pass from Italy to France, and many find death there.
For my part, I was content to climb by walking the Galibier from Plan Lachat (North side) and from Lautaret (South side). I also made the round trip between the valley of Névache and the top of the Col de l’Échelle.
If you pass by there, three interesting addresses for lunch (the Auberge de Plan-Lachat and the pizzeria Da Gianka in Oulx (Piedmont) or stay (La Ferme de Belline).
