
This morning

I am going to speak about my health. Not for you to pity me (!) but because I think that what you are going to read may be useful to some people you know – I can give you the sources of my “treatment” if you wish.

About fifteen months ago, after a blood test, my doctor told me that I was suffering from hyperglycemia – we can also call it the onset of diabetes. They analyze the hemoglobin and it gives, to put it simply, the glycemia over the last three months. Beyond 7, you are bad! I was at 7.5. I did an analysis every three months and today… 6.1 – the “normal is between 4 and 6. What do I do? Two things. Completely give up eating ALL carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, lentils, fruit, and obviously cakes, chocolate, and soft drinks, etc.). However I have eaten the peaches and the pears of our garden, big exception. And— I’ve tried to walk and then jog EVERY day: 1016 km between January 1st and today – I didn’t record for 2018. Youpi!

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