A lot of water these days!

A lot of water these days! It’s dripping everywhere! The rain doesn’t really bother me but this morning I had, on the advice of the Mistress of Frimousse (1), to postpone my walk to this afternoon because of the wind – gusts up to 50 MPH according to Météo-France.

My “prosthetic” knee has troubled me for a few days. So I’ve started walking again rather than jogging. Frimousse’s Mistress still has her Achilles ankle/foot/tendon problems – it’s all connected. She goes on running though. Fabien her osteopath-physiotherapist who she runs with says that as long as she’s not suffering while running it’s not a problem – our doctor has the same opinion. For Fabien when you run you always feel pain somewhere, if you don’t want to feel pain you just have to sit in an armchair in front of the TV. I agree with him.

(1) Today, she’s baking Christmas biscuits…

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